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Ph.D. in Dentistry

Katarzyna Bindek-Sypień

She is a graduate of the Medical University of Silesia, where she completed her studies with honours in Dentistry Faculty in Zabrze. Already during her studies, she took active part in the academic circle and had a traineeship in Germany at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. She tries to combine her professional work with scientific development. She received the title of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) with honours at the Medical University of Silesia, the Department and Chair of Temporomandibular Joints Disorders. She is the author and co-author of several scientific papers. Her biggest interest in dentistry is the treatment of functional disorders of temporomandibular joints, bruxism and aesthetic dentistry, which she specialises in using the latest treatment methods and high quality equipment. She is also a certified INVISALIGN, dentist, this modern orthodontic treatment method uses transparent aligners. She participates in lots of courses, trainings and scientific congresses in Poland and abroad. She has had numerous scientific and practical internships in renowned university clinics and at private practices in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.


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